MatchyGotchy™ Valentine Love!
February 14, 2018 7:41 amThank you! An extra special update for Valentine’s Day.
We have nearly 4k citizens of the Matchyverse™ and that’s roughly 28k rocket surgeons building ships to get all the way to Xanadu! It’s been a wonderful experience so far getting to see all of you play and enjoy MatchyGotchy™, and for that we wanted to do an extra special update for Valentine’s Day to thank you for all the love and support you’ve shared with us.
This Valentine’s Day update has over 10 new faces for each star. The productivity effect gets some loving too – star particles turn into hearts if you click on your Star multiple times. These updates are permanent for the game, meaning the faces and heart effects will be available long after Valentine’s Day.
And last but not least, there is an exclusive new Valentine’s Day selfie screen, with all the new faces you can take as many selfies as you want with all dat love! This is a limited time update for Valentine’s Day available for one week only, meaning it goes live today Feb 14th and we will take it down Feb 21st.
Again, thank you so much for playing MatchyGotchy™! You are what brings the Matchyverse™ to life. Make sure you don’t miss out on this Valentine’s Special Update. Screenshot away and follow us on Steam for more updates on more games coming for the Matchyverse™ very soon.
Tags: cute, cute games, download, free, free game, patch, patch notes, steam, steam games, update
Categorised in: MatchyGotchy
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